According to the Qur'an, true love requires obedience to Allah and avoid what is not diridhaiNya. If we look at the lives and deeds of those who believes that love is enough, we can see that they are not firm in his stance that. Conversely, a person who loves God with heartfelt, very obedient to His command. He avoids things that are forbidden and care for him with deeds pleasing God. He showed his love by seeking the pleasure of God in every moment with awe, faith, obedience and faithfulness to Him.
Because prihatinnya attitude, he is very afraid of losing His approval or inflict His wrath. Expressing love just lip service, but live beyond the limits that God forbidden, of course, is a hypocritical stance. God commands people to fear Him:
Repent to Him, and fear Him, and establish regular prayers, and be not ye among those who memepersekutukan God. (Surat ar-Rum: 31)
Any person aware of the existence of God and to know His attributes are majestic feel so fear Allah. Besides Compassionate and Merciful, Allah is Al-Qohhar (Supreme Master), Al-Hasib (The Supreme Making Calculations), Al-Muazzib (Maha Punish), Al-Muntaqim (Maha torturer), Al-Saiq (Yang Entering into hell). Therefore, Muslims are afraid of the unseen God. They know no one is safe from His judgments, because they know accountable for his actions. They always tried to avoid undesirable behaviors God.
It should be understood that the fear here has a different connotation to the understanding of fear at a society without religion. Fear here to provide security for the mengimaninya, and motivating for charity seeking the pleasure of Allah.
Here is the command of God to those who believe:
So fear Allah by kesanggupanmu, and hear and ta'atlah, and spend in what is good for you. Whoever preserved of parsimony, they are the lucky ones. (Surat At-Taghabun: 16)
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