Judgment Day begins with a trumpet blast. Along with the devastating earthquake and the explosion was deafening, all people on earth to realize that they are facing a frightening disaster. Earth and the heavens opened and the universe was ended. There was no life left on earth. When the second trumpet blast is sounded, people are raised and lifted out of the grave. (Surat Az-Zumar: 39.68)
All humans witnessed the events that developed after the resurrection.
But God ensures that those who believe will be maintained with the safe and sound, and free from fear of the Day of Resurrection:
Whoever brings good, he gained a better response and survived the terrible shock that day. (Surat An-Naml: 89)
On the Day of Judgment, everyone will have his credit checked. In the first stage, all the things done in his life is shown without being missed:
"... Even if there was something (perbutan) weight of a mustard seed, and be in a rock or in the heavens or on earth, Allah will remove it. Surely Allah is Subtle, All-Aware. "(Surah Luqman: 16).
On that day no one had a secret deed.
People may forget what he did while living in the world. But God never forgets to all perbuatnya, even kehadapannya He will show on the day of reckoning. On that day, each man had his credit record. Also the results of the scales of justice for the kindness and wickedness, without being harmed at all. During the calculations, hearing, sight and skin bears witness to his actions during the life of the world. After that unsettling calculation, people who do not believe in being led to hell. While the believers undergo a simple calculation, and enter heaven with a bright and happy as the day of the great victory.
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