The first concept to be lost in an environment without religion is the concept of family. The values that maintain the integrity of the family such as loyalty, obedience, affection and respect will be abandoned altogether. It must be remembered that the family is the foundation of society. If the family collapses, so does society will collapse. Even the nation and the state will not exist anymore, because all moral values that endorse them had been destroyed. Furthermore, there will be no respect and compassion for others. It resulted in social anarchy. The rich hate the poor, the poor hate the rich. Insolence grows on those who feel thwarted, unhappy or poor. Or cause aggression against other nations. Employees being aggressive to his superiors. Similarly superiors to subordinates. The father turned away from her child, and the child turned away from his father. Because of the blood pertumpahanan constantly and "crime news" in newspapers is irreligion. Every day, we read about people killing each other for very trivial reasons. The man who knows that he will be held accountable in the Hereafter, will not commit murder. He knew that God forbids men to commit crimes. He always avoided the wrath of God because of his fear Him. Do not do mischief on the earth after it (God) fix. And berdo'alah Him with fear and hope. Surely the grace of God is very near to those who do good. (Surat al-A'raf: 56) Suicide is caused by the absence of religion. People who commit suicide is tantamount to murder. People who want to commit suicide because boyfriend left, for example, should ask the following questions before proceeding: Is he going to commit suicide if her boyfriend became disabled? or get old? or if his girlfriend's face burnt? Surely not. He's too much judging her boyfriend as comparable to God. Even think her boyfriend is more important than God, more important than the hereafter and of religion. He prefers risking his life for his girlfriend was compared to God. The man who guided the Qur'an would not do such a thing, would not even cross his mind at all. A believer gives his life just for the pleasure of Allah, and underwent patiently all the troubles and problems that Allah test them to her in this world. He does not forget that patience is going to be rewarded many times both in this world and the next. Stealing too is very common in irreligious societies. A thief never thought how much trouble he causes to the person who stole. He takes his victims took decades overnight. He did not care how much trouble he will suffer. He might feel pangs of conscience inflicts pain on others. If not, the situation becomes worse. It means that the heart has become hardened and always tend to do all of immoral acts. In a society that is not religious, moral values such as hospitality, willing to sacrifice for others, solidarity and generosity have disappeared altogether. People do not respect each other as human beings. There is even a view others as beings evolved from apes. None of them would accept, serve, respect or give something good to others. Especially against those whom he considered as descended from apes. People who think like this do not respect others. Nobody thinks about the health, welfare or comfort of others. They do not care if other people get hurt, or else they try to avoid such accidents. In hospitals, for example, people are dying left just lying in bed-mutual in an indeterminate period of time, no one seemed to care about him. Or the owner of a restaurant operating without a care about cleanliness. The place was dirty and unhealthy not worry about the harm that may be caused to the health of people who eat there. He was only concerned about the money it generates. These are just a few examples that we see everyday. Logically, people are good to each other if they can expect a profitable return. But for those who run the Qur'an's moral standards, respect for others is devotion to God. They do not expect anything in return. Everything is an effort to seek the pleasure of Allah by constantly doing good deeds, and compete in doing good.
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