For family life
The Qur'an requires respect for mother and father. Allah says in the Qur'an:
We have commanded man to do good to his parents, his mother had conceived him with difficulty and weaning for two years: 'Give thanks to Me and to both your parents. Only to Me you shall return. (Surah Luqman: 14)
In family practice morality of the Qur'an there is no quarrel or disagreement. Always seems a high respect for mothers, fathers and other family members. Every person living in a pleasant environment.
For the system state
In the Qur'an, Allah states that devotion is a positive trait. Someone who has a Qur'anic morality will fully obey and respect for his country. In Islamic society, everyone works for the welfare state and the nation. Never rebel against the state, but rather support both spiritually and materially.
In a society that is made up of those who fear Allah, legal cases never get to court level. Seperseribunya any of the violations of law that occur in today's society never experienced.
Set the country becomes much easier, because the government does not need to deal with cases of anarchy, terrorism, crime, murder. The whole power of the government is focused on developing and improving the welfare of the country, sector and abroad. Therefore, generating a very strong country.
For the Field of Art
People who obey the Qur'an moral respect for one another. They will always try to create the conditions that have been agreed upon. The surroundings are beautiful in every aspect of aesthetics. Because the sense of longing for heaven, means the world is used solely to create a clean and pleasant environment. Everything was beautiful in the eyes, ears and other senses throughout. Therefore, art and aesthetics developed in all aspects of their lives.
More than that, people who obey the religion has a pure heart. Therefore there is no pressure in his mind, so as to create beautiful original artwork and unique. In addition, their work is intended to present the beauty and to please others who obey, be sincere and earnest.
education system
First, run the morals of the Qur'an will produce children and youth who are mature and wise. Indifferent behavior will not be owned by the young people who obey the Qur'an. Devotion to the Qur'an, therefore, result in the generation of good behavior, mind open, compliant, and productive budge. Dynamism, passion and spirit they are directed to good works. Perseverance and thinking they evolve. In that environment, the learner not only give priority to graduation or the avoidance of punishment, but wanted to contribute to the nation and country.
Never heard of any breach of discipline in schools. Environmental education is very peaceful, constructive and productive. Cooperation between teachers and students based on compliance, respect and tolerance. The students to be very respectful and obedient to the state and security forces. Student demonstrations that often we see today has never happened because there was no need.
For the Workplace
In a moral society that runs the Qur'an, the work contains a mutual understanding, cooperation and justice. Employers pay attention to employee health and maintaining a healthy working environment very well. With the idea that employees will work in a long time, they always try to create a beautiful work facilities and attractive. Employees are paid a fair wage. Not one karyawanpun suffered mistreatment. Party bosses always consider the condition of the family of each employee. They are always sincere and strive to protect the families of employees. There have been no suppression of the strong against the weak. Immoral behavior as malicious speech, or prevent the success of others because of jealousy, never happened.
The relationship between employers and employees is not based on personal interests and subterfuge, but by cooperation and mutual trust. Employee's interests and objectives. They never wasteful and thought that "The boss is worth paying". They will work best. Good moral never blamed him, even protected by superiors.
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